Ob grins inanely to himself after emitting a particularly pungent parp
The Mbashta Literary Review is pleased to include this excerpt from the forthcoming epic Ndogobogo Botswana? by Latvia's foremost poet, Modris Podnieks. It features the legendary encounter between Phlebas the Phoenician and Propter and Ob.
“Hottentot and repercussions,”
Phlebas mused and shuffled forth,
Ent’ring into keen discussions
(Eating leaves and heading north)
With his spider, Jasper Hutel,
Paragon of virtutas,
Vis-à-vis the zips of Bootle,
Wearing string and Adidas.
“Seven spigots in our toaster,”
Sang the stipulated pair,
One with tea mug, one with coaster.
Both hummed London Derrière.
Propter spake, refuting Rousseau;
Ob was stuck for things to say.
“Should I speak? I fear to do so
Might occlude the breaking day.”
Whereupon ye ancient Merlin
Happenéd upon the scene,
Fresh from playing Butlins, Berlin,
Leafing through a magazine.
“Morning, druid,” (but in patois)
Mumbled Phlebas and his mob;
Merlin issued his first fatwa:
“Wobble, Propter; hobble, Ob!”
Ob began at once to do so,
Legs akimbo, pincers too.
Propter, chubby as Caruso,
Waddled to the local zoo.

Propter claps excitedly, having successfully repaired his favourite hammock
What are spigots?
here am wot are spigots
that is wot they iz
That link worketh not for it spilleth over into realms unattainable, so herewith find ye the definition:
Bung; plug of a tap; end of smaller pipe when inserted into larger one to form a junction.
So why put seven bungs, plugs of a tap or ends of smaller pipe when inserted into larger one to form a junction into a toaster? What's wrong with bread?
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