"A multiplicity of rhizomes," seethed Rufus 'Hoagy' Carmichael, staggering doggedly between the Spider Club and home, wot for him were but a box under a nartch somewhere in saf Lun'n.
"Him cyaan tan up," opined the countermanders, those in overall control of events terrestrial superterrestrialque - that is to say, those who answer not to mortals. The thrust of the utterance was not lost on Hoagy, but it seemed to him of minimal consequence. During his sleep, angels came to him and warned him of the potential of peril. On waking he bathed in the Thamesganges and contracted some horrendous disease which necessitated plasticine and stoat, the nebulous Snatch triplets of
Chuck Hatch.

"Hang on," said I: "My spliff's gone out." This proved to be a problem swiftly rectified.
Where was I? Ah, yes: the roof, as he was known in certain areas of the Bhutan/Tibet borderlands. "A ne'er-do-well," according to Pirandello, "whose coruscation brought about the conflagration of 1834 wot dun for the a'zees of parlim'n." Strachey refuted this with a degree of strenuosity not witnessed since, save for that exhibited by Fotodo-McLaughlin in her groundbreaking Countermand Boopi?, famously described by The Nib Gazette as "fobada-hushti".
Strachey "Ng-Fingzabh'it"
The contention that many have hoisted but few are importuned - the Carmichael family motto - was a moot point as far as the residents of Carlton Miniott were(n't) concerned. For them, the considerably more pressing affair of the Alleged Spatula Rescindment loomed larger in that which passed for their imagination. "Long time I," they would mumble knowingly, Ogden on their collective shoulder, a twitch in their nether regions and a nonchalant muzzle to hand. Such was that which passed for discourse in those sable days; yet from dung heaps do not praeternaturally astonishing fings bloom?

A praeternaturally beautiful fing.
NB: For those for whom bliss is but a notion* I would advise the dropping of some d-lysergic acid diethylamide-25 and the contemplation of this photograph or, better still, its real-life lotoid equivalent, for a minimum of an hour.
* Azure posed two button ocean
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