It is essential, firstly, to keep in mind the maxim of Wormsley "Lancastrian" Cousteau, unforgettably relayed immediately prior to the great Heng incident of 727: "Hwanon ferigeað ge fætte scyldas, græge syrcan ond grimhelmas...?" Secondly, the impending sloth of a trillion slugs need not, of itself,

Thirdly - and I say this most advisedly - we should not allow ourselves to lose sight of the fact that, no matter to what extent the gainsayers may lambast, it is an inviolable truth that the sine qua non of post-modern existence remains the hoop - hup-tabonguu, as we say in my language. Quite why the hoop should hold such an unassailable position in 21st-century consciousness is not for us to question: it is written, and that should suffice to silence all but the most cursed of wretches incarnate.

Many hoops - hup-tabongui
Having said that, it almost goes without saying that the hoop is unquestionably a construct forged by malevolent rodents from the near future.
Such discourse leads inevitably to smelting, one of the nine acknowledged svatoburi listed in the Book of Ip. (It should at this point be noted that books are, by nature, considerably holier than collections of writings to be found on, for example, the internet. The Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, in their infinite wisdom, at no time refer to "the blog of judgement"; nor does Johnny Mohameddan allude to "the people of the website".)
Having thus established the pupstamma, as the Inuit, with their unfathomable insight, term it, we can only conclude that the Hengist/Horsa dichotomy echoes with ever greater resonance as time progresses: the papal nunciate has called time on Nisti, the crop-rotation fiasco is at an end and all is maya.
Nonetheless, it remains a fact that ambassadorial erosion tends to preclude snipe.
(c) Flummox & Tbbbb, 1847 (latter part thereof)
oh how I laught
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