Venice was, indeed, a fine place to be at that time of year. Though in large part owing its faded splendour to Dr Byzantium, yet was it indisputable that the operative word was that what rhymes with “fender”, the modus parlandi of Blackmore . he can’t get off the carousel . And – and it is a superstition that that word cannot be used to open a sentence – I’ve forgotten what I was going to say now. Be that as it may, tulips, rainbows, light reflecting off DVDs: jolly tripped out, what? Indeed.

Reg Reshun, Barney and Betty Hill
The mantelpiece of doom: that was what they elected to call it, all the evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. Rimsky-Korsakov had shuffled aggressively on being informed, and soon after began his lifelong obsession with twine and its derivatives, the ramifications of which are only now beginning to be understood. Tajikistan bore the brunt, as always, and the Bengal Lancers could only stand by and gesture oddly as the millipedes worked their way into the affections of Numpty McPherson-Wursen and Dibble, her two-toed sloth of seventeen years’ standing.
Hill was also asked what she understood by “a year”. Light, time. All that kind of thing. Jolly tripped out, innit? Indeed.
At this point we should pause to reflect on the phenomenon of the Elucidation of Emmanuel, as it is commonly known to the mediums, as opposed to media, being an thing what am what it am, as in the tao what speaks its name not being the true tao and so on (inna synonym/analogy stylee). Having thus reflected, Romanian counts excepted, we should acknowledge that said singularity/
(maybe down to new orleans . -
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