I feel the urge to put down on paper (more properly, on computer screen) that which floweth through me cerebral cortex. Trouble is, it changeth from second to second, single malt whisky being what it is. A thousand thanks to the paternal one therefor (as opposed to therefore). Cannabis is now gone; nonetheless, there is a preponderance of double vision, a propensity to chuckle, etc. Thoughts turn to this, that and the other.
Have just watched sadly compelling documentary about the Jamestown massacre – 909 dead. “Google i

Am way out there at the moment. You’re watching yourself but you’re too unfair. To transcend has been my guiding star for the past 26 years. Chamber music. Many rivers to cross. The universal om; the plenum void; the beatific vision; satori; transcendental bliss; all that kind of thing.

I consider myself above the common herd, it grieves me to admit, in that I have considered at length (a) the doings of the ancients, (b) the malfeasances of the present bunch of egomaniacs and (c) Dr Alien=futuredoings. Some external force is needed to force our hand with regard to planetary desecration…

Thomas of the Bolin

Thomas of the Bolin
Eggy ↓

This blog is proof that cannabis is better for you than alcohol.
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