“The sating of the rhizome,” sang Burlington with customary disdain, “offsets the assertions of the Assyrians.” The multitude did clap. “Unto all eternity,” she added, gilding the lily somewhat in the opinion of Königsberg, Zimmerman et al. She had a point, though: Whipsnade had struck lucky that month, negating the Röntgen
après Flume in a manner not witnessed since the fall of the people of the plains. Bolin notwithstanding, Hubble or not, Edie
was determined to fathom the bark, which went some way to accounting for the considerable precipitation Sedgwick way. Heh heh heh. Mtoki n bzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
bark“Fenato ho vem-na, sa bunta, i zoouoop. (Heh heh heh!)”
(The dying words of Woo “Rio” Ferdinand.)
Heh heh heh
“Ta monko, ta bunga-bo neet, fo larti hep 'toastie'?
Tosti no suba, no suba mineshta! Heh heh heh.”
(Ancient Scythian proverb.)

That said, it should be noted that, for all his lamentations over Hetty “Mata Hari” Frond, Hastings had never before had cause to isolate the causality in quite so brusque a fashion, and as a consequence heads turned, glances were exchanged and a tacit understanding began to develop, little by little, that came in time to engulf the larger part of humanity. Not to worry, though, it was concluded.

Mundanity and the Nine Furniture, headlining that night at the Crazy Settee, blew everyone’s mind, thanks in no small part to the allegations of impropriety; the licence to practice Blind Lemon Jefferson would be revoked at the eleventh hour, ennui permitting, and to the relief of everyone the notion was frittered in a waxy stylee. Semantics O’Lizzerd fought tooth and nail over the bangle – or so it is widely held – but the tuba/forensic wastrels refused to countenance the idea: truth be told, they scoffed. Tinkering blithely only resulted in the unleashing of Wilbur and the Stoat People for the twelfth time that month, as prophesied by Rolf Harris in the unexpurgated version of “Mein Kampf: The Musical” (score available at all good Edgeware Road outlets), and Sentinel Weasly cemented all bib.

Please explain causality in terms that might make sense to a layman.
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